Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Geographical Basis of Indian Federalism

  • According to Livingstone, geographical federalism emanates when the centrifugal forces & the centripetal  forces within a country are in perfect balance. If the centripetal forces are greater, unitary form of govt. and if centrifugal forces are more, confederation is the consequence.
  • Geographical federation means the inherent & genetic causes - the physiographic, socio-cultural, economic forces - and processes creating the balance between the unifying and diversifying forces. Thus, geographical federalism  is the expression of Unity in Diversity.
  • Political federalism is superimposed by statutary provisions. Thus, it has top to bottom flow, but, geographical federalism has bottom to top flow and such federal structure is everlasting
  • Political federalism has 4 criteria:
    1. Suprimacy of constitution.
    2. Written constitution
    3. Independent Judiciary
    4. Division/sepration of power
The basis of Geographical Federalism in India

Centripetal ForcesCentrifugal Forces
1. The Sub-continental design1. But the sub-continent has plateau, plain, desert, coastal ring, mountains, etc.
2. Monsoon rhythm. It not only influences the cropping pattern but also sets the cultural rhythm & festivity in India.2. But the variability in rainfall makes the distinction in the cropping pattern & the output. Thus cultural diversity also grows.
3. Sanskrit as a language commands and is respected among all the languages in India.India has 22 constitutional languages and thousand of dialects.
4. There is a single racial type called Indian-type or Brown race.4. But India has 6 major races and it is called "Melting pot of races"
5. Indian Constitution is very power binding force of the country.5. Division of power, separation of power in states
6. Nationalism has a long history in India. The Magadh empire, Ashoka- the great, Akhbar, marathas and the British Empire. The national movement against British Empire.6. Regionalism, linguistic division of states, sub-nationalism, communism, etc.

Emergence of New States
  • The geographical criteria:
    1. Physiographic distinction
    2. Ethnic homogeneity/ Cultural basis
    3. History of Demand
    4. Economic Backwardness
    5. The Resource base
    6. Linguistic base
  • For the formation of new state, following viability are considered:
    1. Economic viability
    2. Admistrative viability
    3. Ecological Viability
    4. Political viability
    5. Cultural viability
    6. Linguistic viability
Case Study - Jharkand, Uttrakhand, Chattisgarh